top view photo of informations sheets scattered on a desk, along with paper clips, a pencil, a note book and a laptop

Publications Database

The publications database houses education resources, information sheets, guides and other information all related to Aboriginal children and families. 


The Caring Society follows OCAP principles and provides open access to all the documents included here.


Please use the search bar to find publications based on keywords or browse publications by type, age group, theme or publication year.

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Assembly of First Nations Adjournment Request
April 3, 2024 Cross examination of Candice St-Aubin, ISC, on the Caring Society's Jordan's Principle non-compliance motion
April 2, 2024 Cross examination of Valerie Gideon, ISC, on the Caring Society's Jordan's Principle non-compliance motion
Status of Jordan’s Principle Operational Backlogs
The Caring Society's Non-Compliance Motion v. Canada on Jordan's Principle Information Sheet
Reformed Approach to Child and Family Services
The Supreme Court of Canada Will Issue a Decision on Bill C-92 on February 9, 2024: What to Know
Notice of Pending Decision from the Supreme Court re: C-92