Jordan's Principle Timeline & Documents
Please also check the I am a Witness timeline & documents for additional submissions to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal that include Jordan's Principle.
Canada's response to COO's notice of motion seeking Interested Party status.
Chiefs of Ontario submit reply submissions regarding their notice of motion seeking Interested Party status.
Chiefs of Ontario file a notice of motion seeking Interested Party status.
Premier Gordon Campbell of the Province of British Columbia endorses Jordan’s Principle across all government services.
MP Jean Crowder (NDP) tables Motion No. 296 in support of Jordan's Principle. It passes unanimously in the House of Commons.
Jordan's father Ernest Anderson and sister Jerlene Anderson were present for the vote, as was Dr. Cindy Blackstock (First Nations Child and Family Caring Society), the Chief of Norway House Cree Nation, the Grand Chief of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, and members of the community.