Jordan's Principle Timeline & Documents

Please also check the I am a Witness timeline & documents for additional submissions to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal that include Jordan's Principle.

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July 6, 2016

The government submits another compliance report to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. In the submission, the government commits to invest up to $382 million to implement a broader application of Jordan's Principle, yet it continues to limit the principle's application to children living on reserve with a disability or short-term condition. Clarification is needed to understand: 1) what the funding announcement really means for children on the ground, 2) who the federal government is applying it to, and 3) how its proposed approach differs from the discriminatory approach it has used up until now.

June 7, 2016: Canadian Paediatric Society report looks at progress on Jordan's Principle

The Canadian Paediatric Society looks at Jordan's Principle in its 2016 report Are We Doing Enough?

May 6, 2016

In its April 26, 2016 ruling, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ordered the federal government to fully implement Jordan's Principle by May 10, 2016. Read the information sheet below.

April 26, 2016

The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal releases its immediate relief remedies, including the full implementation of Jordan's Principle.

April 26, 2016

The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal releases its immediate relief remedies, including the full implementation of Jordan's Principle.

February 19, 2016

The Caring Society submits its recommendations to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal for immediate relief remedies. 

January 26, 2016

Kids win! In a landmark ruling, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal finds the Canadian government is racially discriminating against 165,000 First Nations children. Read the ruling, information sheets that describe the case and its implications, and the press release below. 

January 26, 2016

Kids win! In a landmark ruling, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal finds the Canadian government is racially discriminating against 165,000 First Nations children. Read the ruling, information sheets that describe the case and its implications, and the press release below. 

January 26, 2016

Kids win! In a landmark ruling, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal finds the Canadian government is racially discriminating against 165,000 First Nations children. Read the ruling, information sheets that describe the case and its implications, and the press release below. 

PDF File(s):


Role of Jordan's Principle in First Nations Child Welfare Case
PDF File(s):