Jordan's Principle Timeline & Documents

Please also check the I am a Witness timeline & documents for additional submissions to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal that include Jordan's Principle.

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September 6, 2019

Another win for First Nations children and their families as the Canadian Human Right Tribunal (CHRT) issues the 8th non-compliance order (2019 CHRT 39) regarding compensation for First Nations children, youth and families who have been harmed by the child welfare system. 

June 21, 2019

The Canadian Human Rights Commission's letter and supporting documentation - submissions in support of the Caring Society's request for full disclosure of the Requested Documents from Canada.

June 14, 2019

Caring Society's request for relief regarding information requests made by the Caring Society to Canada. 

May 1, 2019

Affidavit of Andrea Auger regarding Jordan's Principle.

Affidavit of Doreen Navarro.

April 19, 2019

The Ontario Special Study undertaken for the Chiefs of Ontario Technical Table on Child and Family Well-being, entitled "Our Children, Our Future: Transforming Child Welfare for the Well-being of Children and Families".

April 4, 2019

Assembly of First Nations submissions to the Tribunal regarding compensation and major capital.

April 3, 2019

The Caring Society provides its written submissions regarding compensation as well as a Notice of Motion for compensation related to Jordan's Principle. 

An affidavit from Spenser Chalmers is also submitted to the CHRT.

March 26, 2019

The Caring Society's reply to submissions on the definition of a "First Nations child".

February 22, 2019

CAP submits a follow-up letter to their letter from January 30, 2019 including their reply to the parties concerning Jordan Principle and the definition of a First Nations child.

February 21, 2019

The Tribunal issues interim relief orders (2019 CHRT 7) for Jordan's Principle. CHRT states in its orders that non-status First Nations children recognized by their Nation, in urgent situations will be covered under Jordan's Principle until the evidence has been heard regarding the definition of a First Nations.