FNCARES Research
The central goal of our research is to promote equity and well-being for First Nations children and youth.
Guidelines for Ethical Research
We respect and support First Nations self-determination in research, engaging communities as partners and co-researchers from the earliest stages of project conception. This ensures that research goals are determined by First Nations priorities and interests, and that the research process and outcomes will benefit the community in meaningful, discernible and lasting ways. We are especially dedicated to engaging children and youth in self-determined research.
The FNCARES Guidelines for Ethical Research incorporate principles and practices outlined by the Assembly of First Nations, OCAP and the Tri-Council Policy Statement on research involving First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples of Canada, giving precedence to the principles articulated by First Nations themselves.
Watch this video to learn more about how the OCAP principles protect First Nations ownership and jurisdiction over their information.