Reconciling History Walking Tours
Downtown Ottawa Reconciling History Walking Tour
The Reconciling History Walking Tour is a free, self-guided walking route in downtown Ottawa. Each point of interest along the route is an opportunity to learn about the role of non-Indigenous peoples and the federal government in residential schools, and the lessons we can glean from history to address contemporary injustices experienced by Indigenous peoples.
The points of interest highlight the opposing views of Duncan Campbell Scott and Dr. Peter Henderson Bryce. Both were non-Indigenous federal bureaucrats. While Duncan Campbell Scott is considered to be one of the architects of the residential school system, Dr. P.H. Bryce blew the whistle on the preventable deaths of children in residential schools and how Scott refused to implement the solutions to address the problem. Take part in the Reconciling History Walking Tour to learn about this important story.

The Beechwood Cemetery Reconciliation Plaques
Extend the Reconciling History Walking Tour by visiting the Beechwood Cemetery in Ottawa. Dr. P.H. Bryce and Duncan Campbell Scott are both buried there, along with Nicholas Flood Davin who, like Scott, is considered one of the architects of the residential school system. In keeping with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, the resting places of these three individuals are marked with historically accurate plaques. The plaques tell the full and balanced story of each individual, including their achievements and their involvement in the residential school system.
Locate the plaques by visiting the Beechwood Cemetery reception centre or using the directions found at the Project of Heart.
Check out:
- Beechwood Cemetery's Reconciling History Tour: Reconciling History Tour
- Beechwood Cemetery's Walking Tour: "The Great Canadians"
- Ottawa Citizen: Reconciling History with Canada's First Nations - Beechwood Cemetery's program of national healing through truth and reconciliation