The Caring Society files its reply factum to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal as part of the Jordan's Principle non-compliance motion


With respect to Moushoom et al v The Attorney General of Canada / AFN et al v The Attorney General of Canada, Canada submits a letter reply to the Caring Society's May 31, 2024 factum, Reply Memorandum of Fact and Law, and Book of Authorities of the Settlement Implementation Committee. 

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The Caring Society files its reply factum to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal as part of the Jordan's Principle non-compliance motion

With respect to Moushoom et al v The Attorney General of Canada / AFN et al v The Attorney General of Canada, Canada submits a letter reply to the Caring Society's May 31, 2024 factum, Reply Memorandum of Fact and Law, and Book of Authorities of the Settlement Implementation Committee.

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