To place a request to Jordan's Principle or for any questions about Jordan's Principle, please call the 24-hour Call Centre at 1-855-572-4453. If you experience any difficulties accessing Jordan's Principle, we suggest contacting any of the following individuals:
Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services Canada:
You may wish to copy the Caring Society on your email.
On October 24, 2023, the Federal Court approved the $23.4 billion Revised Final Settlement Agreement on Compensation for First Nations children and families who experienced discrimination because of Canada's inequitable provision of the First Nations Child and Family Services program and flawed, narrow implementation of Jordan's Principle.
For compensation-related questions, please call the Claims Administrator (Deloitte) at 1-833-852-0755 or visit their website.
Presentation requests
You may request a presentation by submitting a presentation request form. Due to the high number of requests we receive, we will not accept requests through our general email or contact form. Thanks for your understanding!