Submitted by jennifer on

Jasmine is a powerful yet gentle advocate for Indigenous peoples in her community. As a key member of her school’s Founding Cultures Club, Jasmine has dedicated countless volunteer hours to the school and surrounding community. Jasmine is courageous, thoughtful and has demonstrated resilience and a remarkable sense of purpose in overcoming personal challenges and using these experiences to stand up for the well-being of others. Jasmine aspires to be a social worker and hopes to work with youth. Her desire to serve others is indicative of her ability to see beyond herself and extend her advocacy efforts. Genuine, kind and resourceful, Jasmine is an advocate for Indigenous children and youth in how she conducts herself, supports her family and cares for others in the community.

First Name
Last name
Province or Territory
Award Category
Peter Henderson Bryce Award
Award Type
Honourable Mentions
Recipient Type
Age Group Recipient
Children / Youth
Public Display
Past Recipients
Address 123


People Type
Award Recipient