I am a Witness: Tribunal Timeline & Documents
The timeline below chronicles the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal case on inequitable funding for First Nations child welfare, which the Tribunal ruled amounts to discrimination.
View the pre-Tribunal timeline for a history of First Nations child and family services funding leading up the case.
Chiefs of Ontario submit reply submissions regarding their notice of motion seeking Interested Party status.
Chiefs of Ontario file a notice of motion seeking Interested Party status.
Canadian government appeals decision by the CHRC to refer the matter to the tribunal on the basis that it funds child welfare and others provide the service. Only services are protected under the Canadian Human Rights Act and thus, the government believes, they should be exempt from this discrimination claim.
Canadian Human Rights Commission refers the complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. CHRC believes the case is so important to the public interest that it will argue the case in favour of First Nations children’s equity at the Tribunal.
Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society (Caring Society) file complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) alleging that Canada is racially discriminating against First Nations children by providing less child welfare funding, and thus benefit, on reserves.
On December 7, 2006 at the AFN Special Chiefs Assembly, the Chiefs-in-Assembly approved the submission of a joint complaint by the AFN and the Caring Society to the Canadian Human Rights Commission regarding the inequitable levels of child welfare funding to First Nations children and families on reserves.