I am a Witness: Tribunal Timeline & Documents
The timeline below chronicles the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal case on inequitable funding for First Nations child welfare, which the Tribunal ruled amounts to discrimination.
View the pre-Tribunal timeline for a history of First Nations child and family services funding leading up the case.
Response to Tribunal letter regarding access by the public to documents that have been filed since 2016 CHRT 2.
Chiefs of Ontario (COO) reply to Attorney General of Canada's submission.
Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) reply to submissions of Attorney General of Canada on Immediate relief.
Assembly of First Nations (AFN) reply to Attorney General of Canada's submission.
Submissions of the Attorney General of Canada regarding motions of non-compliance.
Submissions of the Canadian Human Rights Commission on the Caring Society's Motion on Jordan's Principle and on the Motions filed by the parties with respect to the FNCFCS Program and the 1965 Agreement.
Nishnawbe Aski Nation submissions on immediate relief
Caring Society Written Submissions (factum) - Motions regarding Canada’s failure to comply with the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal’s orders regarding immediate relief
Assembly of First Nations Written Submissions (factum) to Enforce Respondent's Full Compliance with the Decision of the Canadian Human Right Tribunal (2016 CHRT 2) and the Panel's Remedial Orders
Chiefs of Ontario submissions on immediate relief.