I am a Witness: Tribunal Timeline & Documents

The timeline below chronicles the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal case on inequitable funding for First Nations child welfare, which the Tribunal ruled amounts to discrimination.  

View the pre-Tribunal timeline for a history of First Nations child and family services funding leading up the case. 

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February 22, 2019

CAP submits a follow-up letter to their letter from January 30, 2019 including their reply to the parties concerning Jordan Principle and the definition of a First Nations child.

February 21, 2019

The Tribunal issues interim relief orders (2019 CHRT 7) for Jordan's Principle. CHRT states in its orders that non-status First Nations children recognized by their Nation, in urgent situations will be covered under Jordan's Principle until the evidence has been heard regarding the definition of a First Nations. 

February 15, 2019

Caring Society letter regarding Congress of Aboriginal Peoples intervention in the case on First Nations child welfare in the interest of the question of non-status First Nations children receiving services under Jordan's Principle. 

February 14, 2019

Chiefs of Ontario respond to Congress of Aboriginal Peoples request to participate in case.  

February 5, 2019

CHRT acknowledges CAP request to intervene in child welfare case. 

February 4, 2019

Caring Society’s submissions on matters related to the definition of “all First Nations children” for the purposes of implementing the Panel’s orders regarding Jordan’s Principle.

Additional Caring Society submissions on:

  • Retention of jurisdiction by the Tribunal
  • Major capital
  • Reallocation policy FNCFS Agency funding agreements
  • Timelines for Consultation Committee work on ISC training
  • ISC performance evaluation 
  • Jordan’s Principle Appeals
  • FNCFS Program appeals, Jordan’s Principle compliance/accountability
  • The baseline study for the needs of First Nations Children (ACE Model).

Caring Society also submits Motion Record and Book of Authorities. 

February 2019

Canada’s response to the Committee’s 2012 Concluding Observations on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, 2006 Concluding Observations on the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict, and 2012 Concluding Observations on the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography. Includes Canada's response to Jordan's Principle. 

January 30, 2019

Submissions from Amnesty International regarding the matter of including non-status First Nations children in Jordan's Principle. 

The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) request to participate in the case on First Nations child welfare in the interest of supporting non-status children receiving services under Jordan's Principle. 

January 29, 2019

The Respondent's submissions to the CHRT regarding capital.