I am a Witness: Tribunal Timeline & Documents
The timeline below chronicles the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal case on inequitable funding for First Nations child welfare, which the Tribunal ruled amounts to discrimination.
View the pre-Tribunal timeline for a history of First Nations child and family services funding leading up the case.
Canada's May 24, 2024 factum in response to the Caring Society's non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle.
Assembly of First Nations' May 17, 2024 factum regarding the non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle.
Canada's responses to Caring Society Questions during cross-examination on April 2-3, 2024 for the Jordan's Principle non-compliance motion.
The Canadian Human Rights Commission files its factum for the Jordan's Principle non-compliance motion and COO submits its reply to the Caring Society’s April 19 written submissions and on the non-compliance motion and cross motion.
The Caring Society's updated positions on the long-term reform of the First Nations Child & Family Services Program to stop the discrimination against First Nations children, youth, and families, and prevent it from happening again.
The Caring Society's responding motion material on the Class Action Distribution Protocol as well as directions from the Federal Court.
The Caring Society's April 19, 2024 factum on the Jordan's Principle non-compliance motion.
The Caring Society writes to the Tribunal with a proposed modification to the schedule to allow for a July or August hearing, following the Tribunal's approval of the request for extension sought by AFN. AFN also provides a written response to the Caring Society's letter.
Canada has also provided the requested information sought during the cross-examinations of Valerie Gideon and Candice St-Aubin.
As well, with respect to the compensation claims process, the transcripts of Dianne Corbiere's cross-examination are also included.
The Caring Society's letter in response to the Panel's direction for scenario-based planning by the Caring Society and Canada. AFN, COO, and NAN also file a joint submission requesting a case management conference to discuss the Panel's direction.
The Parties, including the Caring Society, Canada, NAN, COO and CHRC, submit letters to the Tribunal in response to AFN’s request to adjournment motion to amend non-compliance motion on Jordan’s Principle.
On April 8, the Panel also provided direction to the Parties regarding next steps following Canada's cross-motion in response to the Caring Society's non-compliance motion. The Panel asked the Parties to come up with scenarios/options that demonstrate how, while the complete reform of Joradn's Principle is underway, their requested options/scenarios contribute to effectively eliminating the discrimination against First Nations children, and prevents it from recurring.