Submitted by jennifer on

Guadelupe is a hardworking, caring and compassionate young lady who has overcome many personal obstacles to lead by example and make a real difference in her community. Guadelupe’s passion for helping others was apparent from the first grade. Observing that not all her classmates had school supplies, Guadelupe, with the help of her parents, organized a bottle drive to fundraise the costs of purchasing school supplies for the children in her class and for the past eight years has continued to fundraise. She has since raised over $12,000. Guadelupe is also an active volunteer and public speaker. She speaks eloquently about the special educational circumstances of Indigenous youth from child welfare care, including her own experiences as a young person with multiple cognitive disabilities. Guadelupe dreams of become a Marine Biologist and has worked hard to excel in math and science. Her efforts have led to many awards and opportunities, including a scholarship to the NASA International Space Camp!

Guadelupe is Fancy Shawl dancer who speaks and carries herself with respect and pride. Known for her indomitable spirit creativity and determination, Guadelupe is a positive role model for not only her younger brothers and Indigenous youth, but to everyone around her.

First Name
Last name
Province or Territory
Award Category
Peter Henderson Bryce Award
Award Type
Award Recipients
Recipient Type
Age Group Recipient
Children / Youth
Public Display
Past Recipients
Address 123


People Type
Award Recipient