Submitted by Daxton on

Darian is pursuing her JD at the University of Saskatchewan and is driven by a desire to advocate for First Nations and contribute to bettering her community. She has held multiple leadership positions in various First Nations organizations to help represent the voices and interests of First Nations youth, including by being elected as a youth representative of the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, and co-chair of the Assembly of First Nations National Youth Council from 2018-2019. Her dedication extends to her work on the Indigenous Women’s Advisory Circle, where she provides policy-level advice to the Chief of Police in Saskatoon. Her plan to pay it forward as a scholarship recipient include collaborating with her First Nation to write a letter to the Government of Canada calling on it to honour Treaty Agreements and improve funding for on-reserve education to First Nations youth; submitting a column to a First Nations newspaper regarding Shannen’s Dream and the underfunding of education on reserve; and volunteering at the Friendship Centre in Calgary, Alberta throughout the year. 

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Award Category
Shannen’s Dream Scholarship
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Award Recipients
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