First Nations child and family services (FNCFS) - Phase 3 (Interim update)
In Phase 3, IFSD was mandated to prepare for the implementation of a reformed approach to FNCFS. Please note this is a draft.
IFSD Jordan’s Principle research summary
The Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy (IFSD) was asked to undertake additional research on Jordan’s Principle. The project will make recommendations for consideration to develop and implement structural solutions to achieving substantive equality for First Nations children, youth, and families.
COO May 10, 2024 submission
COO files its reply to the Caring Society’s April 19 written submissions, non-compliance motion and Canada's cross motion.
The Parties submit letters relating to the First Nations Leadership Council Motion for Interested Party status
The Parties, including the Caring Society, AFN, COO and NAN, submit letters to the Tribunal relating to the First Nations Leadership Council Motion for Interested Party status for the non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle.
Compensation Pathway from CHRT to Class Action
Infographic outlining the pathway for compensation from the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal to the Class Action proceeding.
First Nations Leadership Council's Motion for Interested Party Status
The First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) files a motion to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal for an order granting the FNLC interested party status.
Caring Society's June 7 Reply Factum
The Caring Society submitted its reply factum to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal on June 7 as part of the Jordan's Principle non-compliance motion.