Submitted by jennifer on

In 2012, teenage sisters Julia and Emma founded the organization Books with no Bounds with the aim of providing Aboriginal children and teens living in remote communities with quality books. The organization has sent over 29,000 books to Aboriginal communities in Ontario and Manitoba including all communities of the Nishnawabe Aski Nation. They have spent thousands of hours working on collecting books and writing letters to the children and teens who receive the books. The girls’ mother explains:

Julia and Emma have touched the lives of thousands of First Nation youth living in remote communities and inspired thousands of students in their own communities with their plight.

In addition, Emma and Julia have sent over a thousand craft and school supplies to the Keewaytinook Okimakanak communities, boxes of warm clothing and coats for the Attawapiskat First Nation and recently presented an iPad to the Fort Severn First Nation. They also built a library of books at a women’s shelter in Fort Albany. On top of their work with Books with no Bounds, the girls volunteer extensively in their Oakville, Ontario community and are on the Board of Volunteers for the Halton Youth Advisory Committee and Steering Community, in addition to taking part as Members for Community Youth in Action Network. In 2013, Julia and Emma organized a walk in support Our Dreams Matter Too, an annual walk and letter writing event supporting equity for First Nations children. Emma and Julia collected over 800 letters from students in Oakville and created mural that hundreds of students in their school signed. Through the work that the girls have done, they have demonstrated their understanding and desire for children in First Nations communities to have the necessary educational environment and means to develop to their full potential. Julia and Emma believe that all children have the same right to a quality education.

Award Category
Peter Henderson Bryce Award
Award Type
Honourable Mentions
Recipient Type
Age Group Recipient
Children / Youth
Public Display
Past Recipients
Address 123


People Type
Award Recipient