Calendrier et documents

Le calendrier ci-dessous offre une chronologie de la cause du Tribunal canadien des droits de la personne sur le financement inéquitable pour les services de la protection de l’enfance des Premières Nations.

Vous pouvez ainsi consultez la chronologie des services de protections de l'enfance qui a précédé la cause.

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February 12, 2021

Tribunal releases ruling 2021 CHRT 7 "Framework for the Payment of Compensation under 2019 CHRT 39"

February 11, 2021

Tribunal releases ruling 2021 CHRT 6 "Compensation Process Ruling on Four Outstanding Issues in Order to Finalize the Draft Compensation Framework"

February 3, 2021

The Caring Society’s written submissions with respect to the non-compliance motion regarding Non-Agency Communities. Submissions include Responses to Undertakings following the January 8, 2021 cross examination of Nathalie Nepton.

AFN Submissions regarding non-First Nations agencies.

Chiefs of Ontario's submissions on motion dated August 7, 2020 regarding prevention funding to First Nations. 

Canadian Human Rights Commission submissions regarding the Caring Society's motion alleging non-compliance in respect of non-Agency communities. 

Innu Nation Submissions on the motion dated August 7, 2020 on funding beyond federally-recognized FNCFS agencies. 

January 15, 2021

Amnesty International files Notice of Appearance to the Federal Court re: ISC's application for judicial review

January 14, 2021

Canadian Human Rights Commission files Notice of Appearance to the Federal Court re: ISC's application for judicial review

January 8, 2021

Read the transcript of Ms. Nathalie Nepton, Director General of the First Nations Child and Family Services program within the Child and Family Services Reform sector at Indigenous Services Canada. The cross-examination was part of a motion filed by the Caring Society with respect to First Nations children and families living on-reserve and in the Yukon who received child and family services from provincial/territorial service providers. 

January 8, 2021

Nishnawbe Aski Nation files Notice of Appearance to the Federal Court re: ISC's application for judicial review

January 6, 2021

Chiefs of Ontario file Notice of Appearance to the Federal Court re: ISC's application for judicial review

January 4, 2021

Caring Society files Notice of Appearance to Federal Court re: ISC's application for judicial review


December 31, 2020

Order from the Federal Court - Justice Paul Favel is assigned to case management.