Publication Type
Peter Henderson Bryce
Publication Date
Government Printing Bureau
Place of Publication
Ottawa, ON
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Dr. P.H. Bryce was hired as a Chief Medical Officer for the Department of the Interior and Indian Affairs where he was tasked with reporting on the sanitary conditions of residential schools. In his 1907 report, Report on the Indian Schools of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories, Dr. P.H. Bryce found that nearly 25 percent of pupils had died while in residential schools. Further evidence also suggested that the number of student deaths were much higher, when considering that many children died shortly after leaving the schools. Dr. PH Bryce visited residential schools and found that the schools were overcrowded and poorly ventilated, conditions known at the time to facilitate the spread of tuberculosis and other diseases. He outlined clear recommendations to prevent unnecessary students' deaths, but the Department of Indian Affairs under the direction of Duncan Campbell Scott refused to implement the reforms. Dr. P.H. Bryce repeatedly called upon Duncan Campbell Scott to improve the conditions of the schools but was eventually forced out of government.

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