Calendrier et documents

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March 12, 2021

Canada files Memorandum of Fact and Law for judicial reviews of CHRT orders regarding compensation and Jordan’s Principle eligibility of non-status First Nations children off reserve who are recognized by their Nations.

March 5, 2021

Attorney General of Canada submits two Amended Notices of Application for Judicial Review to the Federal Court.

Court File No. T-1559-20 is in relation to the Jordan's Principle judicial review and the Tribunal’s order regarding eligibility with the Compensation Framework. 

Court File No. T-1621-19 is in relation to the compensation judicial review. The AGC makes application for orders to set aside the CHRT orders 2020 CHRT 7, 2020 CHRT 15, 2021 CHRT 6 and 2021 CHRT 7. 

February 23, 2021

The Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) releases a new PBO report entitled "Compensation for the delay and denial of services to First Nations children." 

Abstract: "This report estimates the financial cost of complying with a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal decision (2019 CHRT 39) as it relates to children who experienced delays and denials of services which should have been available under Jordan’s Principle. A previous report estimated the cost of complying with that decision as it relates to children taken into care."

February 12, 2021

Tribunal releases ruling 2021 CHRT 7 "Framework for the Payment of Compensation under 2019 CHRT 39"

February 11, 2021

Tribunal releases ruling 2021 CHRT 6 "Compensation Process Ruling on Four Outstanding Issues in Order to Finalize the Draft Compensation Framework"

January 15, 2021

Amnesty International files Notice of Appearance to the Federal Court re: ISC's application for judicial review

January 14, 2021

Canadian Human Rights Commission files Notice of Appearance to the Federal Court re: ISC's application for judicial review

January 8, 2021

Nishnawbe Aski Nation files Notice of Appearance to the Federal Court re: ISC's application for judicial review

January 6, 2021

Chiefs of Ontario file Notice of Appearance to the Federal Court re: ISC's application for judicial review

January 4, 2021

Caring Society files Notice of Appearance to Federal Court re: ISC's application for judicial review