Surveillez également le calendrier et les documents de la section Je suis un témoin pour consulter d’autres rapports déposés auprès du Tribunal canadien des droits de la personne qui portent sur le Principe de Jordan
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The Caring Society submits its August 8, 2024, responding written submissions on Canada's cross-motion and in response to the First Nations Leadership Council's factum to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal as part of the non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle.
On August 2, 2024, the Tribunal granted the First Nations Leadership Council Interested Party status, with some limitations
Written submissions of Interested Parties the Tribunal responding to Canada's cross-motion and to the FNLC's factum as part of the non-compliance proceedings on Jordan's Principle.
On July 30, 2024, the Tribunal ruled on Canada's confidentiality motion with respect to its March affidavits.
Written submissions of the Interested Party, First Nations Leadership Council, in the non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle.
Letter decision from the Tribunal granting the First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) Interested Party status in the non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle, with some limitations.
Letter from First Nations Leadership Council regarding their motion for Interested Party status in the Jordan's Principle non-compliance motion.
With respect to Moushoom et al v The Attorney General of Canada / AFN et al v The Attorney General of Canada, the Federal Court released its decision approving the Claims Process with reasons.
The Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) and Canada submit their letters to the Tribunal relating to the First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) motion for interested party status for the non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle.
The Parties, including the Caring Society, AFN, COO and NAN, submit letters to the Tribunal relating to the First Nations Leadership Council Motion for Interested Party status for the non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle.
The Federal Court issues an order approving the proposed claims process for the Removed Child Class and the Removed Child Family Class as part of the revised Final Settlement Agreement on compensation.
The Caring Society files its reply factum to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal as part of the Jordan's Principle non-compliance motion.
With respect to Moushoom et al v The Attorney General of Canada / AFN et al v The Attorney General of Canada, Canada submits a letter reply to the Caring Society's May 31, 2024 factum, Reply Memorandum of Fact and Law, and Book of Authorities of the Settlement Implementation Committee.
The First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) files a motion to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal for an order granting the FNLC interested party status. The interested party status for the FNLC is specifically limited to the Caring Society's non-compliance motion regarding Canada’s wilful and chronic failure to adhere to the Tribunal's orders on Jordan's Principle and Canada's cross motion.