Timeline & Documents

The timeline below chronicles the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal case on inequitable funding for First Nations child welfare, which the Tribunal ruled amounts to discrimination.  

View the pre-Tribunal timeline for a history of First Nations child and family services funding leading up the case. 

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June 2, 3, 2010

Tribunal hears Canada's motion to dismiss the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal on the "funding is not a service" and comparator technicalities. 

May 28, 2010

Tribunal Chair Shirish Chotalia rules against APTN motion to broadcast the tribunal hearings (2010 CHRT 16).

The Caring Society and AFN supported APTN's application as this case affects children, families and communities across Canada and they have a right to watch matters affecting them.

May 14, 2010

Caring Society factum opposing Attorney General's application to dismiss at the Tribunal.

March 30, 2010

Federal Court Justice O'Reilly upholds the November 2009 Federal Court decision to stay Canada's application to dismiss the tribunal on the "funding is not a service" issue until after the tribunal is over. Canada does not appeal.

March 29, 2010

Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Chair Shirish Chotalia hears Aboriginal Peoples Television Network’s motion to broadcast the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. All parties except Canada are in favor of the tribunal being televised. Canada suggests that it’s witnesses, who are almost exclusively public servants, are concerned that their testimony might damage their relationships with First Nations. Canada also notes it is having a hard time getting witnesses to testify on their behalf and worry that televising the proceedings would make it even harder. Caring society files 17 affidavits by First Nations Elders, leaders, youth and parents who want the proceedings televised so they can follow the case.

March 24, 2010
Canada’s appeal of Prothonotary Aronovitch’s decision to stay their application to dismiss the tribunal until after the tribunal is over is heard before Justice O’Reilly in Federal Court
March 3, 2010

Elsie Flette, CEO of the Southern First Nations Network of Care Authority, is cross-examined in public by Canada on her affidavit filed in opposition to Canada’s application to derail the tribunal on the “funding is not a service” argument.

February 26, 2010

Canada’s top official on First Nations child welfare is cross-examined by the Caring Society on her affidavit filed in support of Canada’s application to derail the tribunal on the “funding is not a service” argument. Canada’s lawyers refuse to have their witness testify in public as the public might distract her from her answers.

February 25, 2010

Tom Goff, consultant, is cross examined in public by Canada on his affidavit opposing Canada’s application at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal to derail the tribunal on the “funding is not a service” argument.

February 23, 2010

Caring Society Executive Director, Cindy Blackstock, PhD, is cross examined in public by Canada on her affidavit opposing Canada’s application at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal to derail the tribunal on the “funding is not a service” argument. Students from Elizabeth Wyn Wood Secondary along with other members of the public come to watch.