Calendrier et documents
Le calendrier ci-dessous offre une chronologie de la cause du Tribunal canadien des droits de la personne sur le financement inéquitable pour les services de la protection de l’enfance des Premières Nations.
Vous pouvez ainsi consultez la chronologie des services de protections de l'enfance qui a précédé la cause.
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Caring Society’s submissions on matters related to the definition of “all First Nations children” for the purposes of implementing the Panel’s orders regarding Jordan’s Principle.
Additional Caring Society submissions on:
- Retention of jurisdiction by the Tribunal
- Major capital
- Reallocation policy FNCFS Agency funding agreements
- Timelines for Consultation Committee work on ISC training
- ISC performance evaluation
- Jordan’s Principle Appeals
- FNCFS Program appeals, Jordan’s Principle compliance/accountability
- The baseline study for the needs of First Nations Children (ACE Model).
Caring Society also submits Motion Record and Book of Authorities.
Canada’s response to the Committee’s 2012 Concluding Observations on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, 2006 Concluding Observations on the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict, and 2012 Concluding Observations on the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography. Includes Canada's response to Jordan's Principle.
Submissions from Amnesty International regarding the matter of including non-status First Nations children in Jordan's Principle.
The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) request to participate in the case on First Nations child welfare in the interest of supporting non-status children receiving services under Jordan's Principle.
The Respondent's submissions to the CHRT regarding capital.
Terms and Conditions for Indigenous Services Canada's Child and Family Services and Family Violence programs
For Indigenous kids' welfare, our government knows better; it just needs to do better. News article looking at how the over-representation of Indigenous child in child welfare care is a problem with a solution.
Order from the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (2019 CHRT 1) regarding Canada's failure to disclose 90,000 documents.
Response from the Assembly of First Nations regarding the Caring Society's motion for non-status First Nations children and Jordan's Principle.
Affidavit of Doreen Navarro, legal assistant at Conway Baxter Wilson LLP/s.r.l. for the January 9, 2019 hearing before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal.
Summary of the cost categories that First Nations Child and Family Service agencies can bill Indigenous Services Canada at actual cost going forward and retroactive billings back to January 26, 2016. Includes information on Jordan's Principle.