Calendrier et documents
Le calendrier ci-dessous offre une chronologie de la cause du Tribunal canadien des droits de la personne sur le financement inéquitable pour les services de la protection de l’enfance des Premières Nations.
Vous pouvez ainsi consultez la chronologie des services de protections de l'enfance qui a précédé la cause.
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IFSD releases its report Funding First Nations child and family services (FNCFS): A performance budget approach to well-being, final report of Phase 2 of the First Nations Child and Family Services (FNCFS) Project
IFSD releases its Executive Summary of the final report for Phase 2 of the First Nations Child and Family Services (FNCFS) Project. The Executive Summary provides a succinct overview of findings and recommendations for alternative funding and performance approaches for FNCFS.
Tribunal releases ruling (2020 CHRT 24) regarding Band Representative Services for Ontario First Nations, Tribal Councils and First Nations Child and Family Service Agencies.
Caring Society Notice of Motion for "Declaration of non-compliance with the Tribunal's Orders" and "Eradiction of discrimination through needs-based funding, regardless of service provider".
The CHRT released a ruling on the groups of children eligible to receive services through Jordan's Principle. Canada has been ordered to immediately consider eligible for services through Jordan's Principle:
- First Nations children who will become eligible for Indian Act registration/status under S-3 implementation.
The CHRT found two other categories of First Nations children who will be eligible in the future following a further order from the CHRT:
- First Nations children without Indian Act status who are recognized as citizens or members of their respective First Nations; and
- First Nations children who do not have Indian Act status and who are not eligible for Indian Act status, but have a parent/guardian with, or who is eligible for, Indian Act status.
The Tribunal rules (2020 CHRT 15) on the compensation process on outstanding issues in order to finalize the Draft Compensation Framework.
NAN submits reply letter on procedural issues.
Order from the Federal Court regarding costs and reasons stemming from Canada's motion to stay the compensation order.
Caring Society submits letter and procedural protocol responding to NAN's submissions dated May 13, 2020.
AGC, AFN submit letters to the CHRT regarding the Caring Society's letter and procedural protocol.