Calendrier et documents

Le calendrier ci-dessous offre une chronologie de la cause du Tribunal canadien des droits de la personne sur le financement inéquitable pour les services de la protection de l’enfance des Premières Nations.

Vous pouvez ainsi consultez la chronologie des services de protections de l'enfance qui a précédé la cause.

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November 7, 2022

The Caring Society submits the IFSD Jordan's Principle Data Assessment to the Tribunal per 2022 CHRT 8 which ordered Canada to fund “the IFSD assessment regarding available data on the use of Jordan’s Principle to inform a future cost assessment of Canada’s implementation of Jordan’s Principle and program reform”. 

November 4, 2022

Attorney General of Quebec and Attorney General of Canada's responses to the October 21 facta submitted by British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Northwest Territories. 

October 25, 2022

The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal has provided a letter-decision with reasons to follow on the Compensation Final Settlement Agreement.

October 21, 2022

The AFN provides reply submissions on the CHRT questions regarding the Compensation Final Settlement Agreement. 

The Attorney Generals of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Northwest Territories provide factums to the Supreme Court of Canada in relation to Bill C-92: An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families. 

October 14, 2022

Federal Court of Appeal orders that Canada's appeal of the Federal Court's September 29, 2021 order on compensation will continue to be held in abeyance until the earliest of January 30, 2023 and the date 45 days following the release of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal's decision on the compensation final settlement agreement. 

The Caring Society makes submissions to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal pursuant to the Tribunal's September 21, 2022 and October 12, 2022 directions and in response to the September 28, 2022 submissions of the Assembly of First Nations, Attorney General of Canada, Chiefs of Ontario and Nishnawbe Aski Nation.

October 11, 2022

Affidavit #7 of Doreen Navarro, legal assistant for counsel for the Caring Society. 

October 7, 2022

The Supreme Court of Canada provides an order granting intervenor status to 31 parties in reference to the Court of Appeal of Quebec in relation with Bill C-92 An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families

October 5, 2022

The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT) grants the Caring Society intervenor status in Dominique v. Public Safety Canada. 

October 4, 2022

AFN's letter to CHRT regarding the Caring Society's October 3, 2022 letter on Janice Ciavaglia's September 28, 2022 affidavit and schedule.

Caring Society's letter to CHRT regarding AFN's October 4, 2022 letter.