Calendrier et documents
Le calendrier ci-dessous offre une chronologie de la cause du Tribunal canadien des droits de la personne sur le financement inéquitable pour les services de la protection de l’enfance des Premières Nations.
Vous pouvez ainsi consultez la chronologie des services de protections de l'enfance qui a précédé la cause.
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Letter from the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Panel Members to Parties delaying the consultation process deadline for compensation to January 29, 2020.
Federal Court hears motions and arguments regarding Canada’s Stay of the Tribunal’s Order and Judicial Review of 2019 CHRT 39. Federal Court and APTN provide live links to view.
Attorney General submits Record of the Attorney General of Canada's Reply to Motion for a Stay of Execution and Attorney General of Canada's Response to a Motion to Hold Judicial Review in Abeyance and their Book of Authorities
Caring Society submits Memorandum of Fact and Law of the Respondent
AFN's submissions to Federal Court including: Memorandum of Fact and Law of the Respondent, Motion of Record Parts 1, 2 and 3, and Book of Authorities
Chiefs of Ontario submits Motion Record of the Respondent in response to the Motion for Stay of Order and the Motion to Place in Abeyance
Canadian Human Rights Commission submits Motion Record of the Respondent in response to the Applicant's Motion for Stay of Order
Nishnawbe Aski Nation submits Reply Motion Record
Affidavit of Cindy Blackstock is submitted to the Federal Court.
Caring Motion regarding "holding the within Application in abeyance until the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal has completed its order regarding compensation to victims in file T1340/7008 by making its order regarding the process for paying", costs and other matters.
Order from the Federal Court - Justice Paul Favel is assigned to case management.
Amnesty International files Notice of Appearance to the Federal Court.
CHRC files Notice of Appearance to the Federal Court.
Federal Court orders Canada’s applications for a stay and judicial review of the compensation order into case management.
Canada files for judicial review with the Federal Court of the CHRT's decision (2019 CHRT 39) to pay compensation to First Nations children, youth and families for its “willful and reckless” discriminatory practices in providing services to First Nations children and families.
Canada files a Notice of Motion for Stay of Order and accompanying documentary evidence including: